Terms and Conditions


  • This agreement commences either:If you are on the club’s premises, once you have indicated your acceptance in the Declaration section of this web sign up process.
    If you are not on the club’s premises, once you have indicated your acceptance in the Declaration section of this web sign up process and then either entered the clubs premises or after a period of 14 days has elapsed, whichever is earlier.
  • Your membership starts immediately.
  • You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges exercisable for the Type of Membership chosen.


  • The Joining Fee / Initial Payment is due from you to us, is payable immediately and is not refundable other than in the event of breach or negligence by us.
  • The Direct Debit Payment Amount is due from you to us with the first one being paid on the 1st Direct Debit Payment Date and then every month thereafter. You are obligated to make every Direct Debit Payment regardless of non-attendance, except where the cancellation terms below are met (See FAQs).
  • All memberships (i.e. whether paid annually or monthly) are subject to a £25 annual fee, to be deducted yearly on the 1st October.
  • If you fail to pay any monies due under this agreement or if any Direct Debit is returned unpaid or any cheque is returned unpaid or if any other form of payment is not honored for whatever reason, a second direct debit run will be scheduled to collect any payments outstanding.
  • You agree to advise us promptly of any change to the Members Details provided.
  • If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than thirty days, then we may pass the debt to a third party company for collection. The reasonable and direct costs incurred in employing the third party company will be borne by you including costs in tracing you if you have changed your address without telling us.
  • If you choose to pay your Annual membership fee over the 12 month period the payments from you will be collected by 12 equal monthly direct debits on or around the 1st working day of each calendar month. You will pay more under a monthly payment plan compared to a full payment in advance plan. The differential being a charge for credit.
  • The management reserves the right to increase prices at any time on written notice to you.
  • Please allow up to 14 days for any refunds to be processed.
  • A late payment charge will be implemented for overdue payments effective from 1st April 2025. This charge is necessary to cover additional administration costs incurred due to late payments. A late payment charge of £20 will be charged, as well as the monthly membership fee on the next available resubmission. We encourage all members to make timely payments to avoid this additional charge.


  • We will contact you before your contract expires to offer renewal into a new annual membership scheme carrying options to pay in advance or to pay in monthly instalments. The renewal will be into a new annual membership plan which will include a charge for credit over the term of the new 12-month contract. Your direct debit payments(s) will continue and a new annual membership agreement will be forwarded to you. If you pay by direct debit you can cancel providing you follow the cancelation procedure. Alternatively, if you wish to select a different payment option or do not wish to renew, please contact us to let us know prior to the end of your current membership term.
  • In the event that you choose not to renew your membership upon expiry you should inform your club in writing and then cancel your direct debit mandate directly with your bank, after your final payment.


  • If the bank returns a failed payment on your account, we will contact you in writing either via email or SMS about this failure. You will be advised of the failure on entry to the club and will be refused entry on further visits until the payment is made. If we continue to be unable to collect payments, we will, at our choice, continue to apply for payment by direct debit for a maximum of 3 attempts. 
  • A late payment charge will be implemented for overdue payments effective from 1st April 2025. This charge is necessary to cover additional administration costs incurred due to late payments. A late payment charge of £20 will be charged, as well as the monthly membership fee on the next available resubmission. We encourage all members to make timely payments to avoid this additional charge.
  • Cancelling your direct debit does not mean you have given us notice to end your membership. You must give us written notice in accordance with these membership terms. 
  • If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for more than 30 days, then we may cancel the membership and pass the debt onto a third party company for collection. The reasonable and direct costs incurred in employing the third party company we will be borne by you including costs in tracing you if you have changed your address without telling us.


  • Early termination option: If you have chosen an annual membership with an early termination option (which carries an additional charge per month compared to a 12 month annual membership in advance). Your annual membership can be cancelled by giving 1 months’ notice.
  • Cancellation after your initial 12 month term; After completion of your first 12 month contract, should you wish to cancel in subsequent years, this can be cancelled by providing one months notice in writing.
  • Cancellation after your initial 12 month term; if you wish to cancel your membership you need to complete a signed cancellation form within your club and provide 1 months’ notice.
  • Relocation: This agreement can be cancelled in the event that your new permanent address is more than 15 miles away from the facility upon receipt of a copy utility bill or bank statement showing the new address.
  • Long term (over 3 month) illness or injury: This agreement may be cancelled in the event of an illness, injury or medical condition which in the written opinion of a doctor or other suitably qualified medical practitioner prohibits exercise for 3 months or longer upon appropriate proof being provided.
  • Redundancy: This agreement can be cancelled upon appropriate proof of redundancy from your employer or other loss of livelihood.
  • Pregnancy: This agreement can be cancelled if you become pregnant upon the appropriate written proof being given. 
  • Please note – ANY Cancellation for the above reasons will not become effective until the appropriate proof is provided and received (in writing or via email) to your club.
  • Breach: This agreement can be cancelled if we are in breach of contract including if we do not provide facilities or services, you may reasonably expect, and we have fallen well below that standard.
  • If you wish to cancel or freeze your membership, relating to one of the above, you can do so by providing gymetc with one full calendar months’ notice in writing. It is your responsibility to provide proof of this.
  • We may at our discretion and with immediate effect cancel the membership of any member whose continued membership is in our opinion not in the interests of the club.


  • Temporary Illness or Injury: This agreement may be frozen in the event of a temporary illness, injury or medical condition which in the written opinion of a doctor or other suitably qualified medical practitioner prohibits exercise for a period.
  • Pregnancy: This agreement can be frozen if you become pregnant upon the appropriate written proof being given. Please note you can freeze your agreement for a minimum period of 3 months and a maximum period of 12 months.
  • Please note – A freeze period does not affect the Minimum No. of Direct Debit Payments you are due to make and any payments remaining at the time of the freeze will remain due and recommence on a monthly basis once the freeze period has completed.
  • Please note – ANY Freeze will not become effective until the appropriate proof is provided and the freeze fee and form completed within club.
  • Please note that if you have frozen your agreement the annual fee will still be collected each October annually.


  • You agree to comply with the Rules of Membership which are displayed prominently in the Club and relate to opening hours, use of facilities and your conduct. We may make reasonable changes to these Rules at any time provided we give you reasonable advance notice of the change.
  • If we take no action or let you off any breach of this agreement or give you extra time to pay or comply, it will not stop us enforcing the terms of this agreement strictly at a future date.
  • We may assign the benefit of this agreement and our rights thereunder to a third party on notice to you. Your rights under this agreement will not be prejudiced.
  • We will do our best to resolve any disputes over this agreement. If you wish to take court proceedings against us you must do so within the United Kingdom. Relevant UK law will apply.
  • If any part of this agreement is disallowed or found to be ineffective by any court or regulator, the other provisions shall continue to apply
  • We may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notice to you if you are in breach of the Clubs Rules (i.e. Stealing or other criminal activities within the facility). In this event you will not be liable to pay any further Direct Debit Payments, provided such breach is not deemed by us to have occurred primarily in order to qualify you for a refund.
  • Carers may be given access to the club, free of charge, to ‘supervise’ an individual, providing they are already a member. This mean that they can only use the facilities if it necessary to do so to provide care i.e. swimming pool (carer must be with the individual at all times).
  • If the person requiring care is not a member, then guest fees will apply to both the carer and the person requiring care.
  • The carer is not allowed to use the gym equipment for personal use.
  • In the case of under 16s, No access to the spa pool/ steam rooms and the sauna at any time.
  • On each visit, the carer must show carer ID.
  • Confirmation email/ letter must be produced by the care provider to show the carer ratio and guest requiring care.
  • All carers must follow all club rules.


  • To see our health commitment statement click here.


Our main objective is to provide quality health and fitness facilities for its members in a relaxing and friendly environment.  The following rules are amended from time to time.


  • Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the Spa, Sauna or Steam rooms.
  • Staff reserve the right to ask for proof of ID upon entering the facilities.
  • Children must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian when in the swimming pool, changing rooms and surrounding area.
  • Parent or guardian must ensure every child 4 years and under is accompanied by one adult when using the pool facilities.
  • Parent or guardian must ensure all children over 4 years are accompanied by an adult at a ratio of no more than 3 children to one adult when using the pool facilities.
  • Children & parent or guardian must avoid using the pool when aqua classes are in progress (please check your club timetable).
  • Children over the age of 12 on a kids membership are permitted to attend the gym but must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian.
  • Children over the age of 12 are permitted to attend the classes when supervised by a parent or guardian. Parent or guardian must attend the class and be on a “classes membership package”.
  • Overuse and/or overstrain whilst using the gym equipment and during exercise must be monitored by the supervising parent or guardian.
  • Children aged 8 years and above are not permitted to use the opposite gender changing facilities.
  • Children aged 13 and under are allowed to use the facilities between the times of 9.00AM & 6.00PM.
  • Children aged 14 and over are able to use the gym facilities with no restrictions, they must be accompanied by an adult when using the swimming pool.


  • Members and their guests should be suitably dressed whilst using the club facilities.  In particular clean training shoes must be worn at all times in the gymnasium.
  • Members and their Guests should use the equipment and facilities in accordance with the advice given by club staff and/or by notices suitably posted.  Members and guests shall not abuse the equipment or facilities of the club and any member or guest who wilfully or negligently causes such damage shall pay for any damage to club property.
  • No member or guest may bring intoxicating liquor or food into the club nor use the club facilities whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes are not permitted in any part of the club or the outside perimeter.
  • In the interest of health and hygiene all members and guests must shower before entering the pool area and in the interest of safety, running, jumping and diving are not permitted in the pool area.
  • All members and guests must clean and wipe down gym equipment after use as a courtesy to the next user.
  • If you suffer from any medical complaints, please consult a GP prior to participating in any activity.
  • All members and guests of members must consult the instructor before participating in a class for the first time.
  • If at any stage you feel unwell, stop exercising and contact a member of staff immediately.
  • Glass bottles and drinking glasses are not permitted in the gym, studios or pool area.
  • Mobile phones are not permitted in the gym, studios or pool area.
  • Chewing gum is not permitted in the gym, studios or pool area.
  • Members agree to the FIA Health commitment Statement.
  • Please be courteous to fellow members during busy times i.e. please do not ‘hog’ the equipment.
  • Members will not be permitted to join a class once the warm up has commenced.
  • Please ask at reception for details on how to reserve studio classes within your club.
  • Any form of abusive behaviour is not acceptable to staff or members and will result in immediate termination of your membership.
  • Members are not permitted to bring any of their own training equipment into any FX Leisure/Gymetc facility.


The management and its employees will not be liable in any way for the loss, or damages to, the property of members or guests, or for personal injury to, or death of any member or guest, except to the extent that such loss, damage, personal injury or death arises from the initial act, neglect or default of the management or any of its employees or agents.

The member warrants and represents that they are in good physical condition and that they know of no medical or other reason why they are not capable of engaging in active or passive exercise and that such exercise will not be detrimental to their health, safety, comfort or physical condition. In the event you or your guest has any reservations in relation to physical condition you are required to seek independent medical advice prior to embarking upon any exercise. All members and guests agree to the FIA Health Commitment Statement when commencing any activities as a condition of membership. Induction training will be available to all members, attendance to induction training is the responsibility of all members and their guests. Any person using the facilities without attending induction training does so entirely at their own risk.

Members and their guests using the swimming pool/spa areas, do so at their own risk and the management do not accept responsibility for any harm or injury to any member or guest, unless caused by negligence of the management, employees or agents of the company. Please note there is no lifeguard on duty and the pool depth is 1.2m.  No running, jumping or diving in the pool/spa area is allowed.

Cars parked in the club car park or elsewhere on the premises of the club and all contents are left at the owner’s risk and the club will accept no liability for loss or damage in respect thereof, unless caused by negligence of the management, employees or agents of the company.

The club accept no liability for personal belongings left on the premises or in lockers.  Members & guests are strongly advised not to carry or leave valuables in lockers.  In circumstances when it is necessary to carry valuables, please contact the Duty Manager.  Members are required to bring a padlock with them each visit, as we do not loan padlocks. Lockers are provided on a daily basis only and items left overnight will be removed from the lockers and any contents will be disposed of for security reasons.  This policy is adopted for member’s safety and security and is of prime importance in the club operation.

All members and guests must make their own arrangements in respect of insurance to cover injuries suffered by them or caused by them to any third party, as the proprietors accept no liability for any accident, injury or misadventure.


The hours for bank holidays are normally 9am – 5pm, however, various bank holidays may differ, please see the manager for details. The management reserves the right to vary the opening and closing hours over the Christmas period or at any other time upon reasonable notice.

STUDIO FACILITIES – The management reserves the right to charge for special classes and services.  Studio classes must be booked on-line to guarantee your place, which can be done up to 6 days in advance. Please ask at reception for details.  Please note classes that are payable need to be paid for before booking. Please note any classes that are booked and not attended, after a 3-strike rule, will result in a suspension of booking classes for 7 days unless the club has been notified prior to the class.  Members arriving after the warm up will be excluded from participating for safety reasons; however, they will not be charged for the class.  Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Please note that the studio timetable is subject to change at any time, classes may be changed or removed from the timetable at the discretion of the Management.

TANNING FACILITIES – The sunbeds are available on a queuing basis.  Goggles/winkies must be worn and the health and safety guidelines displayed in the sunbed rooms should be read and observed. Minimum age of 18yrs old applies to using the tanning facilities as well.

MAINTENANCE – gymetc reserves the right to close any facilities for maintenance, renovation, cleaning and emergencies without prior notice.

VALUABLES – Lockers are provided at the club for your convenience. Storage of any items by you or your guests is at your own risk. gymetc does not accept liability for loss or damage to members or guest’s property.

HEALTH & SAFELTY  –  gymetc reserves the right to restrict or refuse access to certain facilities at its absolute discretion on the grounds of health & safety. In the event you or your guest suffer any accident or injury at the club you must immediately notify a member of staff.


Please note there is no lifeguard on duty, if possible, use these facilities with a friend to minimise any risks.  Use emergency alarms if necessary to call for help.

You should seek medical advice before using these facilities if you:

* Are pregnant, * Have ever been diagnosed with a heart condition or experienced chest pains when exerting yourself, * Have high or low blood pressure or other circulatory problems, * Have recently had major surgery, * Are taking medication which makes you unsure as to the advisability of using these facilities,

* Should you have diabetes or asthma we advise you keep your medication close to hand and use the facilities with a partner who will know your requirements, * Should you have epilepsy we advise you to use the facilities with a partner.

Potential Hazards

* Drowning, * Slipping injuries caused by wet flooring, * Getting in and out of the spa, * Adverse reaction caused by excess heat or overuse including giddiness and fainting, * Scalding from direct contact with steam from steam pipe, or the steam outlet and scalding from the sauna oven / coals, * Circulatory shock due to sudden extreme changes in temperature induced by use of cold showers.

How to use the facilities safely

* VERY IMPORTANT – PLEASE SHOWER BEFORE USING * No running, jumping or diving in the pool/spa area is allowed.  Pool depth is 1.2m * Ensure you drink plenty fluids to replace those lost, * If at any time you feel unwell leave the facilities immediately and consult with staff or seek medical advice if necessary, * Do not use the facilities if you have recently had a heavy meal or consumed alcohol, * Please use handrails to enter/exit pool and wellness pool, and watch your step as you step down into the wellness pool, enter/exit the wellness pool with care as water may be turbulent – if possible sit down first on the side of the wellness pool. * Remove any jewellery before using steam rooms / sauna as it can become very hot, * Only use tap water to fill the sauna bucket as chlorinated water destroys the elements in the sauna oven – only use 2 ladles at a time.  Do not add oils or essences * Prolonged stays in the wellness pool/steam rooms/sauna are not recommended as raising the core body temperature too high can be dangerous, * No shaving is allowed for hygiene purposes, * Please don’t touch, stand or sit near the steam outlet as it is very hot, * Please don’t touch the sauna oven coals as these are very hot, * Use emergency alarms if necessary to call for help. * Do not use the facilities if suffering from any infections or contagious illness, physical ailment or minor infections where there is a risk that such use may be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or physical condition of the other members.  Do not use the wet areas for a minimum of 14 days after recovering from a gastric infection and/or diarrhoea.


It is essential that you understand the aspects, possible dangers and safe practice of indoor tanning.  Whether you intend to use our sunbeds or not, we kindly ask you read and agree the following:

  • You must determine your skin type, using the analysis chart provided and follow the recommendations for tanning specific to your skin type.
  • In accordance with HSE guidelines, we recommend that Skin types 1 & 2 should NOT use sunbeds.  For all other skin types, tanning time should be limited to a maximum of 3 minutes on initial exposure.
  • Maximum tanning time 12 minutes.
  • Do not use sunbeds if your skin is particularly sensitive to sunlight.
  • Do not exceed the recommended exposure time of 20 sessions per year.
  • It is imperative that skin which is to be exposed to ultra violet light is thoroughly cleansed of all traces of make-up and perfume including colognes, bath preparations, after shaves and body lotions.
  • Goggles are provided and must be worn.
  • Contact lenses should be removed.
  • Do not use the sun-bed if you have had hot waxing, bleaching or electrolysis treatments in the past 24 hours.
  • Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to use the sunbeds or enter the sunbed rooms.
  • No person other than the sunbed user is to enter the sunbed room.
  • Tokens must not be purchased by proxy.


We strongly recommend that you should not use UV tanning equipment if:

  • You have fair, sensitive skin that burns easily, or tans slowly or poorly.
  • You have a history of sunburn, particularly in childhood.
  • You have lots of freckles and/or red hair.
  • You have lots of moles.
  • You are taking medicines or using creams that make your skin sensitive to sunlight.
  • You have a medical condition that is made worse by sunlight.
  • You have had skin cancer, or someone in your family has had skin cancer.

NB    Please note on regular intervals throughout the year the tanning equipment will be re-tubed.  Please take this into account when using the tanning equipment, as the strength of the tubes may be higher and you may wish to reduce the length of time spent on the equipment.   Notices will be displayed at the time.