How to eliminate snacking when working from home

How to eliminate snacking when working from home

How to eliminate snacking when working from home

With an office next to the kitchen or a desk within arm’s reach of the fridge, when you’re working from home, it’s easy to slip into bad habits. Biscuits here and there. A bag of crisps in between meals. It’s tempting, it’s at hand, it’s too easy. 

Food becomes a welcome distraction when working for home. Focus on removing that distracting by getting prepared, replacing bad habits and reminding yourself of your goals. 

Start with planning and prep. 

Prepare your next week of meals in advance 

Anyone focused on nutrition, fitness and a healthy lifestyle knows the value of meal prep. It’s even more important when you’re working from home. If you don’t have a meal plan for the week, you’ll buy lots of unnecessary food at the supermarket shop. Food that you’ll snack on. 

Plan (and prepare) each of your meals for the next seven days in advance, and you’ll know exactly what you need. And what you don’t. You’ll have full oversight and control over what’s on the menu, with food to look forward to that’ll distract you from snacks

Record your food intake 

Keep a food diary so you can see exactly what you eat over the course of a working day when you’re at home. Jot down every little snack, every biscuit, cracker, drink, and you’ll soon see how the calories are adding up. 

When you record everything you’re eating, you’ll hold yourself accountable. And you’ll think twice about those poor food choices. 

Remind yourself of your goals 

Sometimes all you need to stop snacking when you’re working for home is a bit of motivation and encouragement. Put your fitness goals or training regime next to the fridge or cupboard, somewhere you’ll see it every time you contemplate a snack. 

Remind yourself of all the efforts you’re putting into a healthy lifestyle and that chocolate bar won’t seem as appealing. 

Replace bad habits

Working from home can often lack routine, and food can quickly fill that gap. You form habits based around snacks. A mid-morning biscuit, an afternoon bag of crisps, an unhealthy lunch – because we’re all creatures of habit. 

Break those habits not by eliminating them, but by replacing them with others. Think carefully about what you do, and fill the gaps with something else. A walk round the garden, a cup of coffee instead of a biscuit (it’s an appetite suppressant), or a healthier choice.

Replace unhealthy snacks

Snacking habits don’t need to be eliminated altogether when you can replace them with alternatives. Snacking is helpful to avoid those feelings of hunger and prevent you from bingeing at mealtimes (or in between). 

Just opt for healthier choices – and again, prepare in advance. Think veggie sticks and salsa, rice cakes, dried beans and pulses and popcorn bags. 

Rehydrate regularly

Finally, one of the most common reasons for snacking – at home, in the office or on the go – is a lack of hydration. Drop your fluid intake, and you’ll feel a little sluggish. You’ll start mistaking thirst for hunger. 

Stay hydrated and you’ll stay focused. You’ll be more productive working from home and find it easier to avoid those bad snacks. 

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Published in Nutrition
